Freitag, 7. August 2009

And Now For Something Completely Different

For all of you who wondered what the communists were up to all those years.

Or this Swiss "rocket Scientist" I suppose it could be real.

3 Kommentare:

  1. 1. He is wearing Red.
    2. He hit the target.
    2a. Although a German could hit the target as well as a Swiss, Germans are not this crazy. I have yet to meet a Swiss person who wasn't (think about the guy with the jet pack jumping out of the airplane)
    3. He is in the alps.
    4. His website says he is. (I always do my research)--But the first two are enough to prove he is Swiss

  2. I don't know why someone hasn't used the tv tower before. It is a whole lot cheeper than building a rocket from scratch.
